out this page, fill out the information, and mail it along with $30.00 to the above address. You will be notified of
your status by once your application is received. The $30.00 is only a deposit to hold your spot on the vacancy list,
and is refundable prior to club approval, and is considered your first month’s dues if you are approved. Dues are paid
1 month ahead
Date: _________________
Name: _________________________________________
Address: _______________________________________
City: _________________State:________Zip:__________
Phone Number__________________________________
How Many Year Have You Been In Model
Beginner____5-10____11-15____Over 15____
What Scales Have You Modeled In:
HO____ O____ S____
Other ____
Do You Currently Belong to any other
Club/s: Yes____No____
If So, What Is the Name/s of the Other
How Many Years Where / Have You Been
a Member: ________________
Do You Enjoy: Track Laying____
Scenery Building____
Scratch Building____ Kit Building____
Wiring____Operation____ Other______________________________________________
Once your application is submitted
with your first month’s dues ($30.00), you will be given a copy of our by-laws to look over. By signing below, you agree
to the term and conditions of our club. All applications are reviewed the first Wed. of the month, at our regular business
meeting. Once approved, you will be notified within 10 business days. You may visit our club at any time during this period
accompanied by a club member.
Signature: ______________________________